Spring break only comes once a year. I know that there are many other school vacations, such as Christmas Break, Thanksgiving weekend and of course, summer. Spring break is different from all the others. There is no holiday (except sometimes Easter) that is during this time, and it happens to fall right before the end, and hardest part, of the school year. Spring break is exactly the “break” that students need in order for them to have the proper motivation to finish the end of the year. This spring break I will be going back home.
I have two homes. One of them is Salt Lake, and the other is Los Angeles. I only lived in LA when I was little, but my family and I visit frequently. I grew up in Utah, all my friends and the majority of my family live there as well. Luckily on this vacation, I will be able to go to both places.
The plan is to leave Friday morning at 4:30am to go to the airport. This means that I will miss out on a day of very precious school, but it seems that no teachers will actually be assigning anything the last day anyway. My flight heads to LA via Atlanta. Just as it turns out one of my friends will be on this flight as well, what are the odds? After arriving in LA, we head to my family’s best friend’s house in Beverly Hills. It has been a few years since we last saw them, so we are all very excited. Saturday my sister will most likely go and visit some of the colleges that she was accepted to, and that means I am free to wander LA and do as I please. Sunday my best friend of 13 years is flying from Salt Lake to come stay with my family, while her parents leave at the same time, but are going to be heading to California in their car. Monday and Tuesday will probably pass similar to Saturday, but Wednesday night my parents and siblings get on a plane and head for New York. On the east coast my sister will be looking at more schools, while I get to stay and have fun on the west coast. My friend’s parents will arrive in their car around that time my parents leave, and I will stay with them for a night or two in LA, until we head on a road trip back to Utah. Her parents will be spending a long time in the car, but they love road trips, and driving in their suave new Subaru. In Utah the only plan that I have is to visit my sick Grandmother, and everything else will just have to be spontaneous.
I am so excited for this spring break!
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